Verify Data for Financials modules

What do you want to do?

Run Verify Data for Financials modules

Note: Before starting this activity, ensure there are no other users operating the Sage 200 system and take a backup of your data files.

Open: Accounting System Manager > System Utilities > Verify Data > Financials.

  1. Select the Module you want to verify.
  2. For the Sales Ledger and Purchase Ledger, confirm if you want to verify All accounts.
  3. From the Validate data options section (Sales Ledger and Purchase Ledger) confirm if you want the anomalies found to be reported on or the anomalies corrected in addition to the report. We recommend to report and correct.
  4. Click OK and confirm that you want to proceed.

Reset account balance

  1. Select the Module you want to verify - either Sales or Purchase.
  2. Confirm that you want to balance a Single account.
  3. Select the account that you want to revise the balance for.
  4. From the Validate data options section, confirm if you want the anomalies found to be reported on or the anomalies corrected in addition to the report. We recommend to report and correct.
  5. Click OK and confirm that you want to proceed.