Set up project items

Use this to set default information which is used each time the project item is added to a project. You can change this when you create or amend individual projects.

The options available here depend on the settings you have chosen for project items in the Project Structure settings.

Open: Project Accounting > Project Maintenance > Project Items and Groups.

  • Select the Project Items tab.
    • Click Add or select an item from the list, and click Edit.
    • If you want to prevent the project item from being used in new project structures, clear the Item available for selection tick box. The item will not be included in the list of project items when setting up a new project structure.

Enter the Details

  • Description: A description of the group or project item.
  • Additional information: Enter details in the additional information fields that you have set up to record with this item.

Enter the Costs and Charges

  1. Enter the Budgets information.

    Cost Qty

    Cost value

    If required, enter the default cost quantity and cost value budget for this item.

    Revenue Qty

    Revenue Value

    If required, enter the default revenue quantity and revenue value budget for this item.

  2. Note: You must have chosen to display and track cost budgets and display and track revenue budgets in the project structure settings for projects, groups and project items.

  3. Enter the Costs information:

    You can enter this information if you selected Display and track cost units for this project item type on the Display Features tab for the project item type. This information is used by default when you add the item to your projects although you can override it using the Cost and Charges tab when you add or amend the project.

    Unit cost

    Enter the default cost of the item (per unit of measure).

    This is used as the default cost value when entering sales, purchase and nominal transactions analysed to this project item. It is also used as the default value on cost adjustments for the project item. You can override this default value when you enter those transactions.

    Note: This unit cost is not used when entering timesheets or expenses and has no link to or association with the cost rates for timesheets which are set up within Project Maintenance.

    Cost unit

    Enter the default unit of measure for the item, e.g. each or hour.

    Note: The Cost Unit selected defaults from the Project item type, but you can override this here.


    Enter the default overhead uplift to be applied.

    This may be specified as a percentage of the cost or as a fixed amount, depending on your Overhead Absorption Settings.

  4. Enter the Time & materials pricing rules:


    Select the pricing rule to use for timesheets.

    Stock issues

    Select the pricing rule to use for materials.

    Other costs

    Select the pricing rule to use for other costs.

Enter the nominal defaults

  1. Enter the default nominal accounts for expense and revenue postings.
    • Expense: Select the default expense nominal code. This is the nominal account that expense transactions will be posted to.
    • Revenue: Select the default revenue nominal code. This is the nominal account that revenue transactions (such as invoices) will be posted to.

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